The acronym stands for the Business Administration course of study and business administration.
Economics is a branch of economics. The economics distinguishes itself from the parent economics by their relatedness from the perspective of the individual operating companies.
The department deals with the description of various companies and the influence on decision-making processes. In practice, the ability for business thinking and acting is acquired, the ability of independent management and promotion decisions in the management of a company. As for other fields of study in business administration, you can complete a bachelor's degree and master advanced academic degree.
If there is a lack of study requirements
If you are missing some prerequisites for the study of economics, for example, certain individual knowledge of mathematics, introductory courses can be visited here. These are offered at some universities. Due to the high occupancy of a companion study business administration courses in other departments is actually a good recommendation. This can for instance be the subject computer science, in addition, the economy or even a language study. The study itself is, like any other, less difficult if you have the necessary motivation and appropriate basic knowledge of general knowledge. You should approach the study also coincide with the knowledge that is dealt a lot with numbers, calculations and statistics, as well as business and corporate law issues. On the other hand, the subject is by focusing on the perspective of the operation very close to economic practice.
Well the tests and examinations are
To exams, semester exams statements and decisive enough to pass well, the first condition is a systematic treatment of the respective material during the study. Always one to look up in the business lexicon, while the learning process but also to specific exam preparation is often helpful. Who wants to catch up until shortly before the test is much lost time, under stress. Make yourself a study plan that allows the processing of the substance by regular learning. The BWL is tested orally and in writing. Focus here will include indicators, cost accounting, budgets and corporate law. So be prepared for these areas very well. Decide for yourself whether you are progressing better alone or if you would like to work out certain issues in a team.
Useful link Business Coaching Courses
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